Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mind Flex?

Potential Results Image copyrighted:


Paradigm Mapping

Coupling of Datascapes

An exploration into the potential that exist both latently and obviously present within the ecologies of datascapes and their relational qualities to the physical that invoke interplay between the two realms. Visualizing the engagement between the internet to the  built environment, creating a blur between scales and the fusion of participation.

Citations as Thesis

Allen, Stan. Practice : Architecture, "2 Notations + Diagram: Mapping the Intangible." Technique Representation. 2nd ed.
 40-67. London ; New York: Routledge, 2009.  
Amoroso, Nadia. The Exposed City : mapping the urban invisibles. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 2010.  
Architectural League of New York. Resonance. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009.  
Beesley, Philip. Mobile nation. [Cambridge Ont.]: Riverside Architectural Press, 2008.  
Berger, Alan. Drosscape : wasting land in urban America. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2006.  
“Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth | Video on”
Bolchover, Joshua. Sustain and develop. 1st ed. New York: 306090 ;Distributed by Princeton Architectural Press, 2009.
Bullivant, Lucy. "Alice in Technoland by Lucy Bullivant." 4dsocial : interactive design environments. ED. Helen Castle. London ;[Chichester: Wiley-Academy ;;John Wiley distributor], 2007. 6-13
Bullivant, Lucy. "Beyond the Kiosk and the Billboard by Lucy Bullivant." 4dsocial : interactive design environments. ED. Helen Castle. London ;[Chichester: Wiley-Academy ;;John Wiley distributor], 2007. 14-23  
Bullivant, Lucy. "Distinguishing Concepts: Lexicons of Interactive Art and Architecture by Usman Haque." 4dsocial : interactive design environments. ED. Helen Castle. London ;[Chichester: Wiley-Academy ;;John Wiley distributor], 2007. 24-31  
Bullivant, Lucy. "It's All Inside My Head by Neil Spiller." 4dsocial : interactive design environments. ED. Helen Castle. London ;[Chichester: Wiley-Academy ;;John Wiley distributor], 2007. 118-119
Bullivant, Lucy. "Otherwise Engaged: New Projects in Interactive Design by Mark Garcia." 4dsocial : interactive design environments. ED. Helen Castle. London ;[Chichester: Wiley-Academy ;;John Wiley distributor], 2007. 44-53  
Bullivant, Lucy. "Playing with Art by Lucy Bullivant." 4dsocial : interactive design environments. ED. Helen Castle. London ;[Chichester: Wiley-Academy ;;John Wiley distributor], 2007. 32-43 
Easterling, Keller. Introduction to Organization space : landscapes, highways, and houses in America. Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 1999.  
Fox, Michael and Miles Kemp. "Adaptable Space." Interactive Architecture. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 94-104
Fox, Michael and Miles Kemp. "Embedded Computation." Interactive Architecture. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 58-88
Fox, Michael and Miles Kemp. "Enhancing and Extending Activities." Interactive Architecture. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 122-135
Fox, Michael and Miles Kemp. "Environmental Impact." Interactive Architecture. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 109-119
Fox, Michael and Miles Kemp. "Horizons of Kinetic Architecture." Interactive Architecture. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 49-52  
Fox, Michael and Miles Kemp. " Sociological and Psychological  Implications." Interactive Architecture. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 138-173
Ghosn, Rania, and Harvard University. "Plug-In Ecozones by Managuh." In New Geographies. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Graduate School of Design ;Harvard University Press [distributor], 2009.  
Gissen, David. "Eat Me ... Drink Me... by Sean Lally." Territory : architecture beyond environment. ED. Helen Castle. Chichester: John Wiley, 2010. 14-19
Gissen, David. "The Aurora Project by Jason Kelly Johnson and Nataly Gattegno." Territory : architecture beyond environment. ED. Helen Castle. Chichester: John Wiley, 2010. 74-81
Gissen, David. "Relational Interactive Architecture by Valentina Croci." Territory : architecture beyond environment. ED. Helen Castle. Chichester: John Wiley, 2010. 122-125
Hensel, Michael. Emergent technologies and design. Oxon [U.K.] ;;New York NY: Routledge, 2010.
Höhl, Wolfgang. Interactive environments with open-source software : 3D walkthroughs and augmented reality for architects with Blender 2.43, DART 3.0 and ARToolKit 2.72. Wien ;;New York: Springer, 2009.  
Infrastructure as Architecture : Designing Composite Networks. Berlin: Jovis, 2010.  
Jackowski, Nannette. Ambiguous spaces : NaJa & deOstos. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008.  
Jenkins, Paul. Architecture, participation and society. London ;;New York: Routledge, 2010.  
“Jonathan Harris: the Web's secret stories | Video on”
Koblin, Aaron. “Aaron Koblin - Radiohead - House Of Cards.”
Kwinter, Sanford. "Wildness." Far from Equilibrium Essays on Tecnology and Design Culture. Barcelona ;;New York: Actar, 2007.  
Lally, Sean. "Architecture of Disbelief: Is Architectural Speciation a good thing? by Neil Spiller." Energies : new material boundaries. Hoboken N.J. ;Chichester: Wiley ;;John Wiley [distributor], 2009. 124-125
Lally, Sean. "Potential Futures by Sean Lally." Energies : new material boundaries. Hoboken N.J. ;Chichester: Wiley ;;John Wiley [distributor], 2009. 88-98
Leach, Neil. "iPhone City by Benjamin H. Bratton." In Digital Cities. London: John Wiley, 2009. 90-97  
Lilley, Brian, and Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture.;Canadian Design Research Network.;Dalhousie University.;NSCAD University. Expanding bodies : art, cities, environment : proceedings of the ACADIA 2007 Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 1-7, 2007. [Cambridge Ont.?] ;[Halifax N.S.?]: Riverside Architectural Press ;;Tuns Press, 2007.  
Matsuda, Keiichi. “Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop on Vimeo.”
Matsuda, Keiichi. “Augmented City 3D on Vimeo.”
“Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex | Video on”
Mau, Bruce, and Institute without Boundaries. Massive Change. London ;;New York: Phaidon, 2004.  90-124
Reed, Leonard. “I, Pencil,” December 1958.
Samson, Paul. "Evolution of the Noosphere concept." The biosphere and noosphere reader : global environment, society, and change. London ;;New York: Routledge, 1999. 51-100
Scholder, Amy, and Eyebeam Atelier. Interaction : Artistic Practice in the Network. 1st ed. New York NY: Eyebeam Atelier ;D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 2001.  
Silver, Mike. "20 Years of Scripted Space by Malcolm McCullough." Programming cultures : art and architecture in the age of software. London: Wiley-Academy, 2006. 12-15
Silver, Mike. "All - Over, Over - All: biothing and Emergent Composition by Pia Ednie - Brown." Programming cultures : art and architecture in the age of software. London: Wiley-Academy, 2006. 72-81
Silver, Mike. "Process / Drawing by CEB Reas." Programming cultures : art and architecture in the age of software. London: Wiley-Academy, 2006. 26-33
Smout, Mark, and Smout Allen. Augmented landscapes. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007.  
Spiller, Neil. Digital Architecture Now : A Global Survey of Emerging Talent. London: Thames & Hudson, 2008.  
Stoll, Katrina and Scott Lloyd. Infrastructure as Architecture : Designing Composite Networks. Berlin: Jovis, 2010.  
“The Machine Stops / Short Film : FREISE BROTHERS STUDIO.”
“The Opte Project.”
“Wall Maps: TeleGeography Research.”
Wang, xu. Ma sheng li gong xue yuan mei ti shi yan shi yue han · mei da de xue sheng zuo pin. Bei jing: Zhong guo qing nian chu ban she, 2001.  
Yoon, J. and Eric Howeler. "Activated Fields." Expanded Practice : Höweler Yoon Architecture My Studio. 1st ed. New York N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 158-165
Yoon, J. and Eric Howeler. "Body Contortions." Expanded Practice : Höweler Yoon Architecture My Studio. 1st ed. New York N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 139-143
Yoon, J. and Eric Howeler. "Incorporating Boundaries." Expanded Practice : Höweler Yoon Architecture My Studio. 1st ed. New York N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 134-138
Yoon, J. and Eric Howeler. "Infra Green." Expanded Practice : Höweler Yoon Architecture My Studio. 1st ed. New York N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 188-195
Yoon, J. and Eric Howeler. "Performing Production." Expanded Practice : Höweler Yoon Architecture My Studio. 1st ed. New York N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. 150-157

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thesis Abstract attempt 01

Plug in Ecologies:

                An exploration into the potential that exist both latently and obviously present within the ecologies of datascapes and their relational qualities to the physical. In specifically in the realm of data transfer and the phenomena of the Internet as an infrastructure that encompasses potentials for interventions and defining the participation and interactivity among inhabitants to spam globally. Situated within multiple scales ranging between the scope of a globalize network of sub marine cables and satellites that floods our lower earth orbit (LEO) the geocentric orbit. Down to the user and the body that is plug into a realm of 0's and 1's that decode the virtual world before being processed and manifested back into the physical world.
                What is the relationship between this global infrastructure of data and the built environment.  Work that starts to explore how the internet as a source of collective memory and collective engagements begins to manifest into parameters and variables the control, depict, and or visualize the built environment. What is the outcome of the cross breeding between formal qualities of space, time and light be with the infusion of data, media, and collective engagements, while stimulating and ever change and streaming source of data and information.
                Through embedded computation and kinetics, sensors, actuators, motors, and arduino will start to manipulate and represent conceptual provocations of space, form, atmospheric, and representation. In a constant search of a representational technique that justify the streaming flow of information of the internet and its relationship as a collective filter and memory to inform something tangible.  Providing instructions from crowd sourcing to manipulate representations, space, and time.
                An environment that starts to visualize the engagement between the internet, and the data to the built environment. Producing a series of iterative of drawings of the internet and data using processing to decode the data. Balanced with a series of artifacts that communicate a level of live engagement between the stream of information with a spatial environment.
                What does it mean to be within a "plug in" ecologies. A virtual network that starts to invoke interplay be the virtual and the physical. The blur between scales and the fusion of participation, taking a architectural object that is subjective to its context and environment and making it conform and situated its self in a next context virtually within the global world. 

The Machine Stops

The Machine Stops from Reel 13 on Vimeo.

Great short film made by the Freise brothers.

Interesting opposition to where I'm heading. Interested in the reality that is plug into the "machine" the internet and its thriving to pull architectural intervention that are latent behind this uncharted infrastructure. This films takes it and forecast the next stage of events, the dieing of the machine and the reconnect body to the natural environment.