Plug in Ecologies:
An exploration into the potential that exist both latently and obviously present within the ecologies of datascapes and their relational qualities to the physical. In specifically in the realm of data transfer and the phenomena of the Internet as an infrastructure that encompasses potentials for interventions and defining the participation and interactivity among inhabitants to spam globally. Situated within multiple scales ranging between the scope of a globalize network of sub marine cables and satellites that floods our lower earth orbit (LEO) the geocentric orbit. Down to the user and the body that is plug into a realm of 0's and 1's that decode the virtual world before being processed and manifested back into the physical world.
What is the relationship between this global infrastructure of data and the built environment. Work that starts to explore how the internet as a source of collective memory and collective engagements begins to manifest into parameters and variables the control, depict, and or visualize the built environment. What is the outcome of the cross breeding between formal qualities of space, time and light be with the infusion of data, media, and collective engagements, while stimulating and ever change and streaming source of data and information.
Through embedded computation and kinetics, sensors, actuators, motors, and arduino will start to manipulate and represent conceptual provocations of space, form, atmospheric, and representation. In a constant search of a representational technique that justify the streaming flow of information of the internet and its relationship as a collective filter and memory to inform something tangible. Providing instructions from crowd sourcing to manipulate representations, space, and time.
An environment that starts to visualize the engagement between the internet, and the data to the built environment. Producing a series of iterative of drawings of the internet and data using processing to decode the data. Balanced with a series of artifacts that communicate a level of live engagement between the stream of information with a spatial environment.
What does it mean to be within a "plug in" ecologies. A virtual network that starts to invoke interplay be the virtual and the physical. The blur between scales and the fusion of participation, taking a architectural object that is subjective to its context and environment and making it conform and situated its self in a next context virtually within the global world.
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