Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gestalt Shift?

What is reality and spacial correlations within architecture ... can one space be within another or be another and can one flirt the middle or between realities ? Between the occurrence of a Gestalt - Shift.

Found a great article by Robert Wesley on

"There are [at least] two ways to do this, and the switch between the two is called a 'Gestalt shift'. It is not a voluntary shift, although one can try to bring it about."

"If I fix my eyes first on the corners 'a' and only glance at 'b', 'a' appears in front and 'b' behind, and vice versa." (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 5.5423, tr. Ogden)

It is the visual and spacial experience of the first seeing something in a particular way and then another. The shift between two realities / realms is called the Gestalt Shift.
"Gestalkt is a German word for 'shape' or form" in English it can refer to wholeness or complete. Thus, a 'form shift' is: an involuntary perceptual jump from one shape or form or pattern or "visual space" to another, e.g. from the duck-shape to the rabbit-shape. By 'Gestalt shift' we may mean: seeing a single pattern now as this, now as that: e.g. now the duck, now the rabbit; this is an involuntary visual shift from first one "aspect" (Wittgenstein-Anscombe's word) or form/shape to then another "aspect" or form/shape, without the pattern itself changing: all that changes is our perception of the pattern: asked to draw now the duck, now the rabbit, we will produce identical drawings.

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